Thursday, February 13, 2014

Rehat satellite satellite-sync fails with ORA-00001: unique constraint (RHNSAT.RHN_PACKAGE_FILE_PID_CID_UQ) violated


Redhat satellite 5.4.1 satellite-sync fails while syncing of one software channel with below erroe

10:00:00    Importing *relevant* package metadata: rhel-some-channel-name (99)
SYNC ERROR: unhandled exception occurred:

(Check logs/email for potentially more detail)

(54, 'ORA-00001: unique constraint (RHNSAT.RHN_PACKAGE_FILE_PID_CID_UQ) violated\n', '\n     Package Upload Failed due to uniqueness constraint violation.\n     Make sure the package does not have any duplicate dependencies or\n     does not already exists on the server\n     ')


1- Enable debug in rhn.conf

# echo 'debug = 7' >> /etc/rhn/rhn.conf

2- Run satellite sync for failed software channel

# satellite-sync -c rhel-some-channel-name

3- See package ID causing issue in log - say package-id causing problem is 12345

# less /var/log/rhn/rhn_server_satellite.log

4- Take DB backup and delete package_id

sqlplus $(spacewalk-cfg-get default_db)
SQL > delete from rhnPackageFile where package_id=12345 ;
SQL > commit;
SQl> quit

5- Repeat steps 2,3,4 until satellite-sync for rhel-some-channel-name is complete.

6- Run full satellite sync


It's rare issue. Did it help you?

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