Sunday, October 11, 2015

Connect Cisco VPN over CLI using Ubuntu vpn client - vpnc

Below CLI steps works nicely to connect Cisco VPN using vpnc Cisco generic client

VPN : Cisco ASA55xx
OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Client: Ubuntu generic vpnc client [3]

1-Enabled universe source on Ubuntu [2]

2-install vpnc only or network-manager-vpnc (includes vpnc)

   apt-get install network-manager-vpnc

3-Import pcf profile to vpn configuration

   pcf2vpn /tmp/your_pcf_profile.pcf >/etc/vpnc/vpn1_dc1.conf

4-check username is correct.

# cat /etc/vpnc/vpn1_dc1.conf
IPSec gateway
IPSec ID my-company-token
IPSec secret
Xauth username your_name

5-Connect to vpn [1] 

# vpnc-connect /etc/vpnc/vpn1_dc1.conf
# vpnc-connect vpn1_dc1  (just profile file name  without .conf)
Enter password for
Connect Banner:
VPNC started in background (pid: 7422)...

