Say you have your organization software channel synced at rhel 6.2 and Redhat parent software channel at latest release 6.5. Now you need to upgrade a rhel 6.1 system to 6.4.
Redhat Satellite provides utility to create a software channel with specific minor release. It does not download all related rpms while creating channel. Required rpms ( simply an older version of your latest rpms !) will already be available in you satellite. It will just create channel and update satellite database table with package IDs.
Below is syntax to create rhel 6.4 software channel.
# spacewalk-create-channel --help
# spacewalk-create-channel --user=your-satellite-user-name --server=localhost --version=6 --update=U4 --release=Server --arch=x86_64 --destChannel=organisation-rhel6-x86_64-6U4 --name=organisation-rhel6-x86_64-6U4
You have not specified a source channel, we will try to determine it from inputs
Trying with source channel: rhel-x86_64-server-6
Creating channel, organisation-rhel6-x86_64-6u4, with arch x86_64 3648 packages in source file to push.
Pushing 3648 packages, please wait.
Successfully pushed 3648 packages out of 3648
# spacecmd
Welcome to spacecmd, a command-line interface to Spacewalk.
INFO: Spacewalk Username: your-satellite-user-name
Spacewalk Password:
INFO: Connected to https://localhost/rpc/api as your-satellite-user-name
spacecmd {SSM:0}> softwarechannel_details organisation-rhel6-x86_64-6u4
Label: organisation-rhel6-x86_64-6u4
Name: organisation-rhel6-x86_64-6U4
Architecture: x86_64
Systems Subscribed: 0
Number of Packages: 3648
GPG Key:
GPG Fingerprint:
spacecmd {SSM:0}>
Create a cloned/custom channel from a specific update level on Red Hat Satellite
Create a custom channel to include all errata's and packages released before a specific date
Redhat Satellite provides utility to create a software channel with specific minor release. It does not download all related rpms while creating channel. Required rpms ( simply an older version of your latest rpms !) will already be available in you satellite. It will just create channel and update satellite database table with package IDs.
Below is syntax to create rhel 6.4 software channel.
# spacewalk-create-channel --help
# spacewalk-create-channel --user=your-satellite-user-name --server=localhost --version=6 --update=U4 --release=Server --arch=x86_64 --destChannel=organisation-rhel6-x86_64-6U4 --name=organisation-rhel6-x86_64-6U4
You have not specified a source channel, we will try to determine it from inputs
Trying with source channel: rhel-x86_64-server-6
Creating channel, organisation-rhel6-x86_64-6u4, with arch x86_64 3648 packages in source file to push.
Pushing 3648 packages, please wait.
Successfully pushed 3648 packages out of 3648
# spacecmd
Welcome to spacecmd, a command-line interface to Spacewalk.
INFO: Spacewalk Username: your-satellite-user-name
Spacewalk Password:
INFO: Connected to https://localhost/rpc/api as your-satellite-user-name
spacecmd {SSM:0}> softwarechannel_details organisation-rhel6-x86_64-6u4
Label: organisation-rhel6-x86_64-6u4
Name: organisation-rhel6-x86_64-6U4
Architecture: x86_64
Systems Subscribed: 0
Number of Packages: 3648
GPG Key:
GPG Fingerprint:
spacecmd {SSM:0}>
Create a cloned/custom channel from a specific update level on Red Hat Satellite
Create a custom channel to include all errata's and packages released before a specific date